Frequently Asked Questions ...
Below are some questions and answers that are asked quite frequently:
Q. My bonnet and roof on my red car is white and pink faded do i need a respray?
A. Paint fade is known in the professional world as deoxidization which is due to car being exposed to the suns UV rays for a long period of time without being properly protected. It is most common with red cars leaving them looking dull and more pink than red. At RS Repairs we are fully experienced with using machine polishers and with a bit of time and different grades of polish in most cases the paint can be restored to factory finish and in some cases even better. Below is an example:
Before |
After |
Q. My alloy has a spoke ( or finger ) scuffed from a kerb but the rest of the alloy is ok do i need a full refurb?
A. You can do the same smart repair process on a single alloy at a fraction of the full refurb cost.
Q. I have a golf and the rear wheel arch edge was clipped on a wall and has scuffed the paint down to metal do i need the whole qtr panel sprayed?
A. At RS Repairs we match your paint and mix it in the van to the correct shade, with this we do a local repair only taking in the wheel arch area then fading and polishing in the edges so you have a invisable repair and do not have to spend on a whole panel being sprayed .
Q. I have a split in my bumper do i need to replace the bumper?
A. There is an 80% chance we can put a plastic weld in your bumper regaining the strength then filling the area and spraying in colour.
Q. My bumper is textiled black and has a scuff can it be repaired?
A. Yes we can retextile bumpers in any colour black, blue, and grey.